Cultural and Religious events
Cultural events are lively and varied gatherings commemorate a community, region, or nation’s artistic, social, and traditional manifestations. These events develop an understanding of Nepalese culture’s cultural and religious prospects.
Teej Celebrations
Hartalika Teej is primarily observed in Nepal during the first week of September. Today, women fast to ensure the health and longevity of their spouses or to pursue a suitable life partner. The fast is strict and frequently preceded by a night of prayers and music, commemorating the day when Goddess Parvati underwent a gruelling penance to secure Lord Shiva as her spouse.
What do we do?
We celebrate it with students by wearing a saree. A garment specially designed for girls with a length of cotton or silk wrapped around the body. They come in different colours. We play music and dance as we celebrate and will have a traditional dish that day.

Holi Celebration
Holi is a festival celebrated in Nepal with great enthusiasm and pleasure. It is recognized as the Festival of Colors, which signifies the advent of spring, the triumph of good over evil, and the commemoration of love and unity.
What do we do?
We will celebrate colours with the students. Our team would bring different natural colours and not harm the skin. Everyone would be flinging colours to each other, swaying to the rhythm, or indulging in delectable treats. We will also prepare some traditional dishes that day as well.

Dashain Festival
Dashain is celebrated as a mark of victory of god over evil. As it is a day celebration with various events coming in the path for most, it is family gatherings, receiving blessings from elders, and playing some card games throughout the period. One of the most important celebrations is receiving tika from elders. Tika is a mixture of rice, yoghurt and a natural red colour placed on the forehead from older to younger as part of blessings.
What do we do?
We would do the tika ceremony for students and prepare a feast for the students during the day. So, they can enjoy the festival as part of the celebrations.